
“Developing self dialogues does not mean analyzing yourself, criticizing yourself or problem solving; nor is it attempting to resolve conflicts. Process is the interaction of all of our living selves. The goal is experiencing ourselves in all of our biological richness.

Aspects of the self do not exist in isolation, but in interaction. One does not experience a single aspect of the self apart from others, but it’s possible to experience their pattern of cooperation or non-cooperation.”

Living Your Dying
Stanley Keleman.

Why I talk about Star Trek

This is a blog about scientology, and the larger phenomenon of cults and spiritual abuse and exploitation. So, why do I have posts about Star Trek episodes, and little movie and book reviews as well? Is this a serious blog, for serious Watchers, or is it just a place to have fun and get a little light entertainment? What is the deal here?

I try to have a bit of fun with this blog, even though I started it for a serious reason, and I am serious about the ideas that I am offering to you, my readers. I don't take this endeavor lightly, at all. However, that might not be readily apparent from the way that I organize and present things here. My style is conversational and casual. I am not that interested in impressing you with my ability to generate important-sounding academic arguments, or invoke various authorities with citations and quotes. I have no desire to assert any authority to my ideas beyond their immediate value and interest to you. I am not trying to persuade or dictate a way of thinking, although I share my opinions freely and without qualification. I am interested in making you think, and sharing my ideas in a way that might help us both to gain new insight and understanding. Among the posts on this blog are what might look like reviews of episodes from tv series such as Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. I hope upon reading, it is clear that those posts are not really about a TV show, or anything that superficial. I like to use pop culture references as a basis for exploring ideas that go far deeper than that. I have a very good reason for doing this, and it has to do with the idea of a modern mythological lexicon. I think that, rather than use references to “classical” mythical figures and scenarios in order to illuminate subtle concepts, it is far more powerful to use the myths and metaphors that people interact with on a daily basis, sometimes quite avidly, and always with an innate understanding of what these myths and metaphors speak of. We do not need to study these “texts” (I include audio/visual media under that term) in order for them to be alive to us, the way that we must be trained in the “classical” canon of images and stories that form the basis of our official literary lexicon.

It is not a new idea, this concept of a modern mythos rooted in pop culture. It has been done a lot, but I feel that it is helpful for me to clarify what my intentions are in using these pop culture images and stories. This is not a blog about television shows, or movies, or books, or other blogs; although I have posted about all of those things. Everything that I offer here is something that I have found to illuminate the matter of cults and spiritual violation in some way. It is not always a straight line from what I post to the matter of ending the abuses of the cult known as the “church” of scientology. But that is deliberate, I would rather just shine a light on the entire matter and let the people figure it out themselves. So much of our true learning occurs in the process of making out the shape of things for ourselves. It is for you to decide how the various topics that I address in my posts might be relevant to a scientology watcher, an ex-scientologist, or someone still in who is seriously examining the conduct of their religion and their own thinking as a member of that religion. Sometimes, it may be that my intention is simply to offer you a laugh or a moment of insight as a respite from the more serious stuff. Still, that may be where you find the things most meaningful to you personally, regardless of my intention.

I wish you the joy of learning, discovery, and insight, as you explore what I offer here.
