Still Watching…

“Clairvoyance”. Digital sketch, by the author, 2014

Venusia Blog is back!

We have been dormant here for more than a year. Cult-watching is not my only vocation, or even my primary one. I am an artist and I have been happily occupied learning a new medium — digital painting. I am also a mom, and a wife, and daughter, and a friend — these things have happily occupied my time as well. So much so that I simply could not justify dedicating the time necessary for writing blog posts that would be worth reading. I have maintained the blog, tracking comments, etc. So far, the posts I have written have aged well — I still think they are worth your time, and I encourage any new visitors to read them all. I was content to let those posts stand, while life kept me busy in other ways.

But, I have not forgotten about the cult known as scientology, and the evil they continue to do in the world. Everyday I check in with the Underground Bunker, Tony Ortega’s blog on scientology current events, practices and policies, and wild and wooly history. I have read several books, and written several articles that are ready for posting in the near future, and I have a lot to share with all of you on the subject of scientology, and other subjects seemingly related and unrelated. There is plenty to write about on the subject of the COS. What a year the cult has had! So many court cases are pending against Narconon. And scientology brought back the legendary retinue of lawyers when Monique Rathbun filed suit against several “church” entities, seeking relief from the relentless harassment she has suffered simply because the cult leader David Miscavige is mad at her husband, Marty.

There are a lot of things for us to talk about and look at in the ongoing saga of this abusive cult. I am looking forward to spending the summer sharing the ride with all of you good folks out there.




…thoughts on Love


“Self-portrait #6″
1995 – by the Author
pastel on sandpaper, 24″x36”


Love is not something you can define; love is the thing that defines you. Love is what you are made of, and all that you can ever know. The story of creation, of this material realm, of duality, of yin and yang, is a love story. A tale of two with a passionate commitment to Union, however that may unfold.

Love is not a feeling of need or hunger or pleasure; it is not a shiny thing to chase and manipulate, to inflate your childish ego and it’s “happiness”. Love is our natural state, which we can come to know at any time. Anyone or anything you crave or chase out of “love” is evidence of your confusion, rather than your passion. What has that confusion cost you, and those around you? Count the cost, as a lesson to be careful in such matters, and move on in the knowledge that love was always yours to claim…